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contoh kalimat siklus tindakan

"siklus tindakan" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Workers take the product, so a cycle of action is completed; you can proceed to the next cycle of action.
    Pekerja mengambil produk, sehingga siklus tindakan selesai; Anda dapat melanjutkan ke siklus tindakan selanjutnya.
  • Workers take the product, so a cycle of action is completed; you can proceed to the next cycle of action.
    Pekerja mengambil produk, sehingga siklus tindakan selesai; Anda dapat melanjutkan ke siklus tindakan selanjutnya.
  • Workers take the product, so a cycle of action is completed; you can proceed to the next cycle of action.
    Pekerja mengambil produk, jadi sebuah siklus tindakan selesai; Anda dapat melanjutkan ke siklus tindakan berikutnya.
  • Workers take the product, so a cycle of action is completed; you can proceed to the next cycle of action.
    Pekerja mengambil produk, jadi sebuah siklus tindakan selesai; Anda dapat melanjutkan ke siklus tindakan berikutnya.
  • As the weight of the world’s future grows on the shoulders of city mayors around the world and their governments, so, it seems, does the friendly competition among them, generating a virtuous cycle of action.
    Ketika beban masa depan dunia tumbuh di pundak walikota kota di seluruh dunia dan pemerintah mereka, demikian, tampaknya, persaingan ramah di antara mereka, menghasilkan siklus tindakan yang bajik.
  • Standard Hot Wax Injection Moulding Machine Hot Wax Injection Molding Machine means that a standard machine which is able to accomplish a cycle of action With the rapid development of injection molding machine our company is constantly innovating and acquiring new technologies If the customers have any other ideas...
    Mesin Cetakan Injeksi Lilin Panas Standar Hot Wax Injection Molding Machin e berarti bahwa mesin standar, yang mampu mencapai siklus tindakan. Dengan perkembangan pesat mesin cetak injeksi, perusahaan kami terus berinovasi dan memperoleh teknologi baru. Jika pelanggan memiliki ide lain tentang Mesin Cetak Injeksi...